
  1. KH.it
  2. Dragon Ball
  3. News

News Area Portal

This area deals with the latest news about the world of Dragon Ball and the updates of this website.

Overview of this area

  • Dragon Ball is often in the spotlight all over the world: we try to collect these general news, focusing mainly on everything related to Dragon Ball in Italy.
  • This website is evolving day after day! That's why a whole section is about updates: there you'll find the announcements of new pages available from time to time, maybe with some trivia on their production.
  • We never send older news to trash, instead we put them in monthly archives, where you may read the past history of Dragon Ball and of this website.

Latest news headlines

Below are the headlines of the latest fifteen news published in any category. You may as well read the most recent updates apart from the latest news. The other area portals come up with a more extended collection of relevant articles. Every piece of news published so far is stored in the news archive.

Additional information


Web feedAll the news in two main feed formats: Atom and RSS.

Comics Shop

The mangas available in this month in comics shops or at newsagent's.

  • No issues in this month.

To learn more browse the contents of the manga area.


The animes scheduled on television for the next days.

Sunday 9
No programs.
Monday 10
No programs.
Tuesday 11
No programs.
Wednesday 12
No programs.
Thursday 13
No programs.
Friday 14
No programs.
Saturday 15
No programs.

To learn more browse the contents of the anime area.



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