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Kiken na yatsura ga hora sekkin sōgū bokura no mikata wa sō sa muteppō rekishi nante shinjinai dakara batchiri kimete kure yo ikasu egao de pīsu sain! Aoi kaze no HOPE hashirihajimeta densetsu o sono te de kizamitsukero aoi kaze no HOPE shinjirarenai sekai ga kimi o matte 'ru Madamada kore kara kageki na jinsei miagete goran yo aozora kaisei nigeru hima nante nai dakara tsubasa hirogete yuke ikasu kakko de wan tsū panchi! Aoi kaze no HOPE tsurai toki koso mune o hare atarashii nami o okose aoi kaze no HOPE mienai asu o terasu no sa kimi ga kibō······ Aoi kaze no HOPE hashirihajimeta densetsu o sono te de kizamitsukero aoi kaze no HOPE mienai asu o terasu no sa kimi ga kibō······
Kiken na yatsura ga hora sekkin sōgū bokura no mikata wa sō sa muteppō rekishi nante shinjinai dakara batchiri kimete kure yo ikasu kakko de wan tsū panchi! Aoi kaze no HOPE hashirihajimeta densetsu o sono te de kizamitsukero aoi kaze no HOPE mienai asu o terasu no sa kimi ga kibō······
The words in this lyrics sheet have been checked listening carefully to the relevant song.
These albums feature either the unabridged, abridged, mixed or instrumental version of this song.
To learn more read some other album reviews.
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