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Nagedasu koto o yamete nigedasu koto mo jibun to mukaiatte mitsumete itai mabuta tojite iru toki mo hikari kanjiru yo kaze o hada ni uketome tsuyoku naru EYE, burning EYE, burning karadajū kara moeru ki ga tatsu saikō ni saikō ni EYE, feel it EYE, feel it mune no soko kara afuredasu made ima o koete Kizutsukeau chikara o te ni suru yori mo jibun no kara o yaburu chikara mitsukete dare ni katsu to omou yori dareka te o totte 1ri dake ja mirai e mukaenai EYE, burning EYE, burning hitomi no naka ni moeru ki ga tatsu saikō ni saikō ni EYE, feel it EYE, feel it atarashii yume mitsukedasu made ima o koete EYE, burning EYE, burning hitomi no naka ni moeru ki ga tatsu saikō ni saikō ni EYE, feel it EYE, feel it atarashii yume mitsukedasu made ima o koete
The words in this lyrics sheet have been checked listening carefully to the relevant song.
These albums feature either the unabridged, abridged, mixed or instrumental version of this song.
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