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Kinō yume o mita sore wa ano hibi no koto waza o kisoiai kaze to sugoshita jidai yoru to tomo ni kioku wa nagarete 'ku toki wa kizami atarashii inochi ga hora umare tsuzukeru dare mo ga tatakai o wasurete mo boku wa shitte 'ru anata no kagayaki ga kono hoshi o tsutsunde iru koto Kinō yume o mita sore wa ano hibi no koto yoru to tomo ni sariyuku kaze no koe soshite kyō mo atarashii sekai ga hora umare hirogaru Dare mo ga ano toki ni shinjite 'ta yume o shitte 'ru anata no hohoemi to chikara o ima mo wasurenai shizuka no umi o terasu (sairento naito) sono hikari ga kimi dare mo ga tatakai o wasurete mo boku wa shitte 'ru anata no kagayaki ga kono hoshi o tsutsunde iru yo Dare mo ga ano toki ni shinjite 'ta yume o shitte 'ru anata no hohoemi to chikara o ima mo wasurenai
The words in this lyrics sheet have been checked listening carefully to the relevant song.
These albums feature either the unabridged, abridged, mixed or instrumental version of this song.
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