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Aa koi no NAZONAZO jōnetsu no NAZONAZO mawaritsuzukeru hoshi no ue de aa koi no NAZONAZO kokoro to kokoro kasane sā sagashi ni yukō!! LOVE BE LOVE DO LA! marude omaji nai mitai LOVE DO LOVE BE LA! sō sa koi wa mahō sa oshiete anata (What is love) amai himitsu keshite hitori ja kotae mitsukaranai Aa koi no NAZONAZO nante suteki na NAZONAZO ai no sekai ni tabi o shiyō boku wa bara ni natte watashi wa chō ni natte sā issho ni yukō!! LOVE BE LOVE DO LA! watashi dake ni sasayaite LOVE DO LOVE BE LA! kimi dake ni sasageyō yakusoku shite ne (love magic) yubikiri shite koyoi tokei wa futari no tame ni mawaru Tokimeku mune mo atsui karada mo sono hohoemi mo kagayaku asu mo utaitaku naru konna omoi mo odoridashitai konna kibun mo Aa koi no NAZONAZO nante suteki na NAZONAZO ai no sekai ni tabi o shiyō boku wa bara ni natte watashi wa chō ni natte sā issho ni yukō!! Aa koi no NAZONAZO jōnetsu no NAZONAZO mawaritsuzukeru hoshi no ue de aa koi no NAZONAZO kokoro to kokoro kasane sā sagashi ni yukō!!
The words in this lyrics sheet have been checked listening carefully to the relevant song.
These albums feature either the unabridged, abridged, mixed or instrumental version of this song.
To learn more read some other album reviews.
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