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Hontō no koto dake itsumo shiritakute sotto ryōte hiroge tabi o tsuzukeru nagai kawa no nagare toki to onaji yō na sotto sukui agete mizu o te ni suru Boku no karada no kioku suru mizu no nagare no yō ni dareka no te o nigirishimete kotae sagasu Aoi umi no yō na sora o tonde yuku me ni utsuru nami wa mabushii hikari Hoshi no karada no kioku suru mizu no nagare no yō ni chiisa na inochi ni mo onaji toki wa nagare Uōtā uōtā kioku no kanata······ uōtā uōtā hoshi no matataki Boku no karada no kioku suru mizu no nagare no yō ni ōki na inochi ni mo onaji toki wa nagare Uōtā uōtā kioku no kanata······ uōtā uōtā hoshi no matataki Uōtā uōtā kioku no kanata······ uōtā uōtā hoshi no matataki
The words in this lyrics sheet have been checked listening carefully to the relevant song.
These albums feature either the unabridged, abridged, mixed or instrumental version of this song.
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